

For some, the creative process and the act of creation is a passion and need most will never understand. To quote a past mentor, “It is a pure privilege to be part of this most remarkable language system” - Leonard Lehrer

I started painting and studying the old masters in college. The most influential were Vermeer and a handful of the surrealists but my interest and studies went well beyond them. I showed and sold a few pieces at a small Scottsdale gallery while in college and then reality hit and I needed to get a normal job. Work, getting married, having kids and moving pushed painting to the background but I continued to do it when I could.

In 2019 I decided to make this site and put my work out there. I’m not sure who said “Art is like dancing naked in public” but I guess that’s what I’m doing now.

My work has undergone a long and sometimes painful evolution of ideas, techniques, subject matter and purpose in the time I’ve found to create something out of oil and pigment.

I love the technical challenges of oil painting and unlike other artists, I like to explore various techniques and subject matter which isn’t ideal when it comes to creating a cohesive body of work but I paint for myself and sometimes others if the stars align.

In most of my work, I attempt to infuse visual statements that evoke a feeling or memory.

I hope you enjoy.